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You need you MORE than your idea to win!

The person lying under the bridge tonight, what are his/ her ideas? I wonder...

Do you remember that oh so famous question, we were all asked, when we were younger? "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The answers would vary from ridiculous to absurd. But it didn't matter because between 6 years old and 12 years old, you were still cute. You could be anything you wanted to be, and it was encouraged. "Dream, child just dream." They said. "The sky is the limit." Ideas were encouraged and desired. "When I grow up, I want to be a princess, a nurse, a doctor, a fireman, a singer, superman and a mom." Yes, even if you said that your aspirations in life were to be a mom or a cute princess. They were all encouraged parents, teachers and other significant adults would lavish love on you so as to sprinkle fairy dust well wishes.

"What were you thinking studying to become a doctor; long hours, no time for fun and family. What were you thinking becoming a professional painter, there is no sustainable income in art? What were you thinking becoming a teacher, the kids are spoiled, rude, disrespectful and the salary is below life support. What were you thinking becoming a engineer; working in dangerous mines, you could accidentally die at any moment if someone falls asleep on the job. The machinery and safety precautions at mines are not up to scratch. What were you thinking becoming a nurse; seeing open wounds, being exposed to different illnesses and working abnormal hours." What were they thinking, encouraging you to dream of becoming anything you wanted to be. They should have said: "Child, dream at your own risk."

Ideas. Everything started with an idea. The idea of having a baby, and the idea of encouraging that baby to have their own ideas about how to live life. Everyone has an idea. That one thought you secretly carry around with you everywhere you go. Sometimes you see a color, smell a scent or hear a sound. That idea you've buried in the bosom of your sub-conscious peaks out waiting to be emancipated. You have imprisoned your ideas with every word they've ever said to you. Each word became a lock, tightened and refusing to unleash your creativity. Your ideas are imprisoned and so are you. "You are not good enough. You don't deserve it. You are ugly, stay away from the camera. You should only sing in showers. Your body needs reconstruction. You have the wrong hair type or complexion for television. You are not human enough."

The idea to vomit your venom on another's life, who gave you that licence? The idea to listen to these lies, who put a gun on your head and forced you? No body! So tell me... dear friend. Why do you let these ideas relate to you a life you were not meant to live? Why do you allow yourself to put off ideas, for another day? Is your very breathe and existence not worthy of the full manifestation of your ideas? Who is holding the final decision over your life? YOU! Then why do you let spectators control your life with their ideas?

Everything starts with an idea, but needs MORE than an idea to succeed. The more is your choices. The more is your power. The more is you, rebelling against venomous ideas and pressing forward. Breaking through passed ideas to create new ideas. Fulfill your new ideas. You are the only valid idea holding your ideas back from succeeding. Free your ideas. Free yourself.

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